Darkness Rises, spectacular Action RPG on Android and IOS

Darkness Rises, action RPG
Darkness Rises, action RPG on ios and Android

I am a fan of Nexon action games. One of my best review was for Dynasty Warriors : Unleashed , a massive hit released last year featuring the Han Dynasty and Three Kingdom period of the Chinese history. Nexon is back with Boolean Games for a new great Action RPG called Darkness Rises, available on both IOS and Android.

Darkness rises action RPG Android and IOS
Darkness rises Android and IOS

A review will be coming soon as I am style playing Darkness Rises on my Android phone, levelling up quickly and making sure am I testing all the features for you. In a nutshell, Darkness Rises put you in a story mixed with blood, betrayal and a lot of action. The first step is the customisation of the character from his/her sex to his/her actual body (skinny, bulky,…). Then you start in Iron Guard, defending the castle and the king against an army of orcs.  The bestiary is quite well furnished by the way, with Orcs, skeletons, dragons, dark knights,etc..

Darkness rises coop IOS android
Darkness rises coop

There are plenty of games mode, including Story, Adventure (side stories), Dungeon,  PVP, Team PVP,  Coop, etc.. which explain why I’m currently still going through the main story and side adventure, collecting coins, xp and loots after each missions so that my character gets more skills and power up my gears.

Controls are very easy with a main action button for basic attacks along with 3 skills button, a dash and a special attack. Everything respond smoothly and so far I am really enjoying Darkness Rises.

Darkness Rises is available for free on Android and IOS. Being free to play, there are obviously in app purchases attached to the game but so far, after playing several hours, I haven’t felt the need to buy anything nor that in PVP I was lacking power due to not being the latest gears.

Here the trailer :

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